Open Honest

The fulfilment the rider experiences when they find unity with their horse is truly rewarding and makes it all worthwhile.

Sean and Ozzy Cat

Welcome to
O’Hanlon Equine

We’re committed to providing horse owners and riders with open, honest horsemanship.

We build muscles and minds, we build tradesman not slaves, we work with feel, timing and balance.

Our goal is for your horse to reach its potential and for you to reach your dreams

Open Honest Horsemanship

O’Hanlon Equine exists because we believe good horsemanship is the foundation of a successful rider.

Developing a strong and healthy relationship with your horse is all about trust through understanding.

While this sounds obvious, we know that for many, it’s not always easy.

At O’Hanlon Equine, we want to help you develop the kind of unity between you and your horse that you have always dreamt of.

Whether you ride for competition or ride for pleasure, developing your horsemanship skills will help set you up for success.

Ozzy Cat

Imported from the US, O’Hanlon Equine’s stallion Ozzy Cat has some of the most prestigious breeding in the world and becomes possibly the greatest outcross to Australia’s broodmare band ever offered.

“I understand that it’s daunting at times, but with open honest help and understanding, it really is doable. It’s really, really doable.”

Sean O’Hanlon

  • Tremendous changes

    “I first met Sean at one of clinics in 2023 and loved every minute of it. Not only did I walk away with some really cool things to work on but I also walked away thinking ‘Damn I’d like to send a horse to him’. Fast forward 6 months and I’d bought a really cool horse, but his mind was constantly busy and his movement was driven by adrenaline, the more I schooled him the worse it got and I was slowly loosing my confidence in myself and him and wasn’t really enjoying riding him. So when the opportunity came up for Sean to take him on for a few months, the decision was easy and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. My horse has come home with a quiet trainable mind. He’s now much softer, smoother, more fluent and light in his movement. He’s much less reactive and a whole lot more thoughtful and relaxed. Not only that he came home looking so much fitter and healthier than when I dropped him off, which tells me he was well looked after and very happy to be there. That kind of true Horsemanship isn’t found easily these days and I really appreciate that Sean shares his knowledge so openly. I’m now thoroughly enjoying riding my horse and he’s a real pleasure to be around.”


  • I wish I'd learned this as a kid.

    “After my training with Sean, I felt so much more confident with building a relationship with my horse. There were so many quick wins on the day…the funning thing is that they all seemed so natural, and yet I’d never learned to do those things before. Honestly, I wish I’d done this training when I was a kid. I highly recommend it to others who want to understand their horse better and focus on relaxing their horse to become a better team.”
